8. Penderie

Closer closet, with the closest people

Among the various categories of online shopping, we’e noticed that apparel shopping experience showed the most stark difference between online and offline. By applying MR(Mixed Reality) technology, we thought we could make an innovative shift in online apparel shopping experience.

In the MR shopping environment, you can :
  1. Enjoy the experience of ‘shopping together’ as if you’re in a mall with your friends together. No need to leave the house.
  2. Look and compare the clothings, ask your friends’ opinion for buying one or not. 
  3. Just wear as many apparels as you want, without having the clerk’s pressure for buying it.

Lobby Experience

Meet the first impression of the ‘Penderie’ in Penderie lobby.
Numerous brand boxes that represent various brands appear on the brand shelf.
To search more about the brand, just slightly pull each of the box towards your direction.

Brand Room Experience

Feel the mood of the brands in the brand room.
Each space delicately designed for each brand is mapped in user's room through RMS (Responsive MR Space) technology.

In the brand room, you can :
  • See the mannequin's clothes and can reach out to check the information of the clothes.
  • Put them in your shopping basket, or take them out and try them on at a glance from the rotating closet.

Fitting Room Experience

Try on your clothes in the fitting room.
Detailed data of the clothes, including shape/ material/ weight/ sizes/ etc. of the apparels are all simulated in the user's body shape through kinect device installed beside the mirror.
The users get to know which size and color suit themselves best, without having to take them on and off all the times.
Also, they can make shopping decisions more easily, and in a enjoyful way by looking at each other’s look and feel with your friends.

Brand Logo &Slogan

By Penderie, you can open the experience of shopping as a social entertainment experience.
The ‘opening motif’, from a flat line to three dimensional one works as the main visual element all accross the shopping experience, which also includes the rotating UI of the closet.

MR Prototyping Studies

We analyzed the existing web-based online shopping UI, and extracted the necessary information to show.
And we derived the scale and interaction of the UI for the MR environment through paper prototyping.
As a result, we derived 2 key user interface.

  1. The wardrobe/cart UI that spin like a merry-go-round.
    We improved the store hangers, which were difficult to see at a glance because they were lined up. 

  2. A multi-layered UI that can be viewed one by one through pages stacked according to information category.
    You can feel the hierarchy of information easily with the spatial sense.

Shopping as a ‘social entertainment’ at home.
- Penderie

Team members
Byung-chul Park : jhsoul0716@gmail.com
Cho-rok Lee : chorok@g.hongik.ac.kr / linkedin
Ui-jun Jin : styler304@gmail.com / linkedin